Hydro Ottawa powers fun for eighteenth year at Special Needs Day at the Capital Fair

August 15, 2018

Today, Hydro Ottawa hosts its 18th Special Needs Day at the Capital Fair. Approximately 1,400 children and adults with developmental and/or physical disabilities and their caregivers will experience the sights, sounds and attractions of a day at the fair. This private event allows attendees to enjoy themselves a day before the fair opens to the public.

It is thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of volunteers that the event remains a success year after year.

Quick Facts

  • This special day features live entertainment, karaoke, a petting zoo, a barbecue lunch, and midway rides.
  • Guests get to experience all the sights and sounds of the fair along with the benefits of smaller crowds, reduced-speed midway rides, and volunteers to help guests on and off the rides.
  • Hydro Ottawa recognizes the important role volunteers play in creating a strong, supportive community.
  • More than 40 Hydro Ottawa employees are volunteering their time to ensure the safety and well-being of the guests during the event. Volunteers help direct traffic, assist guests on and off the rides, as well as prepare and serve lunch.


“Special Needs Day holds a special place in our hearts at Hydro Ottawa. It’s just one way we give back to the community we serve in a meaningful way. Our employee volunteers are what make this event possible, ensuring that it’s a day our guests will treasure.”
- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer

Media Contact

Rebecca Hickey
Supervisor, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 2345
[email protected]

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