Save on Energy - Energy Affordability Program

The way you light, heat and power your home can impact your bills. Even the smallest of actions can produce positive results.

The Save on Energy Home Assistance Program (HAP) has been replaced with the Energy Affordability Program (EAP).  The new EAP offers expanded eligibility to help eligible consumers lower their energy costs and increase comfort.

Two levels of support are available in the program based on qualifying household income. 

  • For lower-income customers, a free energy needs assessment conducted by a trained energy-efficiency professional will help to identify the optimal mix of energy-efficiency upgrades available for qualifying homes. 
  • Upgrades could include efficient lighting, replacement of inefficient fridges and window air conditioners as well as draft proofing and insulation for electrically heated homes. 
  • Moderate-income participants could receive a free energy-savings kit containing energy-saving LED lighting, timers, or smart power strips. 

The Energy Affordability Program is offered by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). For more information, visit  Save on Energy or call 1-855-591-0877.

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