Request for additional electricity meter data

Request for additional electricity meter data

There are several methods available to customers wishing to obtain more energy usage data than what is included on their bills.

The usage data Hydro Ottawa provides also varies by customer type as follows:

  • Residential and small business customers may view and obtain up to 24 months of usage data (hourly interval) free of charge by downloading it through their MyAccount portal, in either excel, pdf or Green Button (XML) format.
  • Commercial customers (other than small business) may view and obtain up to 24 months of usage data (hourly interval) free of charge through their MyAccount portal in CSV format.
  • All customers have access to 24 months of full meter data (including whatever interval is captured by their meter) using the newly introduced Green Button in XML format. Green Button provides billing data in addition to usage data. Additional Green Button information is available here.
  • Some commercial customers may require access to whole building aggregated data as required for benchmarking programs, such as Ontario’s “Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking” regulation (EWRB) and may do so here
  • Customers requesting more data than the 24 months limit available through MyAccount and Green Button must use the form below “Request for additional electricity meter data”.  Note:  As this is a manual data request, a Special Billing Service *Charge of $136/hr* (billed in 15 minute increments with a minimum charge of one hour) is applied when customers request additional historical usage data using the form below.  Additionally, if data is being requested by a third party, a consent for information release form must be completed).
  • All other requests for data, such as service capacity size, transformer or vault information, etc. can be made by emailing [email protected].
  • *NOTE: If a customer’s Hydro Ottawa account is less than 24 months old, then they will only have access to data for the period during which their Hydro Ottawa account has been active. 

*This charge is subject to change. Visit for more information.

Account Owner ("Company")
This must be an authorized individual from the organization listed as the owner of the Hydro Ottawa account. This individual should match the signee of Hydro Ottawa’s Consent for Information Release form.
Data Requestor
This is the information related to the third-party who will receive your electricity meter data. This individual should match the individual listed on Hydro Ottawa’s Consent for Information Release form.
Information Requested
Premise ID Operations
Please list any special instructions or additional detail that will help our team fulfil your request.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
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