Hydro Ottawa encourages homeowners to reach out about damaged electrical equipment - 9 PM UPDATE

May 26, 2022

OTTAWA – Hydro Ottawa’s crews and contractors continue to work around the clock to restore power; however, the destruction in several areas has been profound and the widespread damage to home electrical systems is a safety concern.

In some instances, if your owned electrical equipment is damaged, you will need to arrange for repairs before we can safely reconnect your power. Typically, your equipment begins where the wires attach to the house. This means that Hydro Ottawa is responsible for the wires coming from the hydro pole to the house.

If the storm has caused damage to your home’s electrical system or you notice trees or branches near an overhead power line, do not attempt to make any repairs yourself. Stay back to avoid the risk of shock, electrocution or fire.

For guidance on electrical equipment, undertaking electrical service repairs, or tree trimming, please contact us at 613 738-6418 or visit the Home Electrical Systems and Electrical Service Repairs section of our website at www.hydroottawa.com/safety.

Follow these four safety tips to get repairs done safely:

  1. Do not attempt to repair equipment yourself
    Stay back to avoid the risk of shock, electrocution or fire.
  2. Call Hydro Ottawa
    To verify which equipment is yours, or if you notice trees or branches near overhead wires call 613 738-6418 or visit hydroottawa.com/safety.
  3. Seek a licensed electrical contractor
    Only use a Licensed Electrical Contractor to make repairs. Your electrical contractor will perform any necessary repairs and coordinate with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and Hydro Ottawa to ensure all work has been done safely and power can be reconnected. To find a licenced electrical contractor, visit findacontractor.esasafe.com
  4. After the work is complete
    Ask your contractor for a copy of the ‘ESA Certificate of Inspection'. Most home insurance policies cover the cost to repair a home's electrical equipment. Please contact your insurer for details specific to your circumstances.

Today, due to coordinated efforts, we were able to reduce the number of customers without power down to 37,000 and will be working over the course of the evening and overnight to restore power to even more customers.

Hydro Ottawa will continue to keep customers and the public advised of the situation via the news media, our website and on our social channels.


Media Contact

Josée Larocque
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
[email protected]


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