65 Ways To Manage Energy Use

When you make small energy efficiency changes around the house, you use less electricity. Small changes can make a big difference. Find your energy saving incentive


  1. Install a programmable thermostat to set temperatures for different times of the day, for example, when you are sleeping and when you are not at home.
  2. Caulk, seal and weather-strip windows and install a seal sweep on doors to keep the heat in during the winter and the cool in during the summer.
  3. If windows are not airtight, use plastic window film during the winter.
  4. Close curtains/blinds during the day in summer, open them during the day in winter.
  5. Use fans instead of air conditioners.
  6. On summer nights, open windows and curtains/blinds to allow cooler air in.
  7. Set ceiling fans to force air down in summer and up in winter.
  8. Keep lamps, televisions, and other heat- producing appliances away from thermostats – they make air conditioners work overtime.
  9. Locate air conditioning units on the north side of home or in shaded area if possible.
  10. Keep doors and windows closed when heat or air conditioning is on.
  11. Clear away anything blocking heating and cooling vents.
  12. Clean or replace furnace filters regularly.
  13. Consider an Electric Thermal Storage unit rather than electric space heaters.


  1. Is your electric hot water tank in a cool or unheated area? Wrap it up in an insulating blanket.
  2. Insulate hot water pipes, especially those leading directly away from   the hot water tank
  3. Consider replacing an old electric hot water heater with a new Tankless Water Heater that only heats water on demand.


  1. Replace incandescent bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs - they use up to 90% less electricity  and can last over 20years.
  2. Choose the right LED: warm or soft white for bedrooms and living rooms; bright white or daylight for kitchens and work areas
  3. Use LED holiday light strings instead of incandescent light strings.
  4. Dust bulbs regularly. A clean bulb is brighter.
  5. Not in that room? Turn the lights off.
  6. Use timers and motion sensors for indoor and outdoor lighting so lights comeon when you need them, where you need them.
  7. Consider task lighting where needed instead of lighting an entire room.


  1. Use a clothesline or clothes rack for indoor and outdoor drying.
  2. Operate your dryer with full loads.
  3. Use your dryer’s automatic cycle to prevent over-drying.
  4. Clean the dryer lint trap after every load and make sure the vent is never blocked.
  5. Time your washing and drying cycles so the dryer drum stays warm between loads.
  6. Select the appropriate water level for your load of laundry. . .
  7. Consider only using cold water wash and detergent.
  8. Rinse with cold water.
  9. When purchasing a new washer, consider a front-load model – they’re more energy efficient and use less water.


  1. Install low-flow showerheads and low-flow toilets to reduce water consumption.
  2. Take showers instead of baths and try to keep showers under 10 minutes.
  3. Repair or replace leaky faucets and toilets.


Fridges and Freezers

  1. Ideal fridge temperature is 1 to 4°C; ideal freezer temperature is –15 to –18°C.
  2. Try to avoid standing with the fridgedoor open.
  3. Do you really need that second, older fridge?
  4. The coils at the back of your fridge need regular vacuuming.
  5. Make sure there is enough air space between fridge coils and wall.
  6. Don’t overfill your fridge - it impedes air flow, causing the fridge to run more frequently.
  7. Keep your freezer as full as possible – it will work more efficiently.
  8. Choose ENERGY STAR certified models when replacing existing appliances.


  1. Use small appliances like microwaves, toaster ovens and barbeques instead of your oven whenever possible.
  2. Turn on the oven light to look through the glass window instead of opening the oven door to check food.
  3. Use an electric kettle for boiling water instead of a pot on the stove and boil only as much water as you need.
  4. When purchasing an electric kettle, select one with a water level indicator and an automatic shut-off feature.
  5. Use pots that are the same size as the element.
  6. Use lids on your pots when cooking.
  7. Keep trays under stove elements clean to reflect heat up.


  1. Use cold water to rinse dishes.
  2. Only run the dishwasher when it’s full.
  3. Use the delayed start or timer feature to run it during off-peak hours.
  4. Use your dishwasher’s shortest, econo cycle.
  5. Turn off the heat dry feature and let your dishes air dry.


  1. Use timers on pumps and filtration systems so they operate during off-peak periods and only when needed.
  2. Make sure your outdoor hot tub is well insulated and operated with a timer.
  3. Use a thermal cover on pools and hot tubs to trap heat inside when not in use.


  1. Create a “charging center” using a power bar with a timer to charge cell phones, mP3 players and other mobile devices at night. Set the timer to turn off during the day. (Did you know that electronics that are turned off but still plugged in continue to draw power?)
  2. Use a power bar for all computers, entertainment and peripheral devices to shut down and power off all equipment when not in use.
  3. Plant leafy trees on south side of home and evergreen trees on north side – for shade in summer and wind protection in winter.
  4. Use the most energy efficient type of lawn mower. Consider a push mower – its good exercise too.
  5. Install solar-powered LED garden landscape lights to increase outdoor visibility.
  6. Use motion sensors with outdoor lighting that doesn`t always need to be on.
  7. Is your attic insulated? Insulate or top up existing insulation - it could reduce your annual energy costs by 5 – 30%.
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